Salsuri, the ultimate Latin Dance Sensation combines Salsa, Zouk, the Amazon & Great Food.
October 23 -27, 2013 is when this all takes place in Suriname’s capital Paramaribo.
The Salsuri foundation was brought to life in October 2004 with the initial idea to organize Surinam’s first Salsa Festival in November 2005. This would also highlight Surinam’s 30th year of independence on November 25th.
Being in the off season this would also provide Dutch people who never went to Surinam with a chance to visit it for a relatively low price with a group of people that they know.
The idea came alive after some Dutch residents with Surinamese background bundled their strengths to give meaning to the above. From October 2004 till March 2005 the initial idea was developed into a more mature one in which the goals of the foundation were expanded.